Pure Beauty Person biting on a roll
  • Email Marketing

Pure Beauty, a seller of various cannabis products. Pure Beauty faced significant challenges in their email marketing strategy. Their existing setup lacked personalization and segmentation, leading to low engagement rates and poor conversion metrics. Additionally, their email campaigns were not optimized for mobile users, which represented a substantial portion of their customer base. Pure Beauty needed a robust solution to overhaul their email marketing efforts, enhance customer engagement, and drive sales.


Pactx, Inc. stepped in to revamp Pure Beauty’s email marketing strategy using Klaviyo. The first step involved migrating their existing customer data to Klaviyo, ensuring a seamless transition. Pactx then implemented advanced segmentation techniques to categorize customers based on their purchase history, browsing behavior, and engagement levels. Customizing email templates were designed to be visually appealing and mobile-friendly, ensuring a consistent experience across all devices. Additionally, automated workflows were set up for welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups. This was to ensure a timely and relevant communication with customers.

Pure Beauty girl smoking
Pure Beauty yellow box product

The collaboration between Pure Beauty and Pactx, Inc. yielded remarkable results. Within three months, the open rates for Pure Beauty’s emails increased by 40%, and the click-through rates improved by 35%. The targeted email campaigns resulted in a 25% increase in sales, with a significant portion coming from repeat customers. The automated workflows reduced cart abandonment rates by 20%, contributing to a notable boost in revenue. Furthermore, the mobile optimization efforts led to a 50% increase in engagement from mobile users. Overall, Pure Beauty’s enhanced email marketing strategy, powered by Klaviyo and guided by Pactx, Inc., transformed their customer communication and significantly boosted their business performance.

Pure Beauty Girl Smoking 2
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