Violent Gentlemen man working out
Violent Gentlemen
Hockey Apparel & Accessories

Violent Gentlemen’s storefront looked outdated and was in need of a refresh. Additionally, analytics were never part of Violent Gentlemen’s plans, and there was little confidence in the data since it was set up and forgotten about.

Violent Gentlemen hockey shirt
Woman wearing black violent gentlemen hat and shirt Man wearing black violent gentlemen shirt

Key Focus Areas

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Front End Modernization

Violent Gentlemen needed a team with development and analytics experience to help them modernize their site to their customers.

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Lack of Analytics

Violent Gentlemen while having implemented analytics beforehand, they were quickly implemented in the past and forgotten about. Leaving them in a situation where they were unable to utilize these analytics for their customers, and understand what their customers were doing on their site.

Players watching the ice hockey game from the bench

Forged from steel and bound by a code that runs deep in every Violent Gentleman: RESPECT


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Implementing Event Tracking

We added event tracking so Violent Gentlemen could better understand what aspects needed more focus. Areas like their most bounced page, most frequently clicked product, and what actions are creating the most bang for the buck.

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Organized to be more User-Friendly

We helped to reorganize their site to be more appealing to customers, and be much more user-friendly. Moving locations of items to increase visibility.

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Improving Old Code

Another step in improving Violent Gentlemen’s site was we updated and fixed some old code that was causing pages to have long wait times before loading properly. An issue which was causing customers to become impatient and leave.

Empty outdoor ice hockey rink

Success Metrics

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Increased Conversions

Violent Gentlemen saw a 3% increase in their conversion rates.

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Increased Average Order Value

Violent Gentlemen saw a 6% increase in their Average Order Value from customers.

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Average Revenue Increase

Revenue per visitor increased by 10% after the update.

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Improved Page Load times

After the update Violent Gentlemen’s site’s pages load time decreased to 1.3 seconds.